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Hosting for WebSites

Webpage hosting services or, in other words, web hosting, hosting, etc.
The price of hosting starts from € 0,38 / month

Hosting PN-1

0,59/ Mo. € 0,84

Minimum server resources for small web sites.

  • Disk capacity 1 GB
  • 10 GB data transfer
  • Unlimited number of e-mail mailboxes
  • MySql Database
  • Antivirus, Antispam
  • Web Mail

Hosting PN-2

1,65/ Mo. € 2,29

Server resources for larger web pages.

  • Disk capacity 5 GB
  • 50 GB data transfer
  • Unlimited number of e-mail mailboxes
  • MySql Database
  • Antivirus, Antispam
  • Web Mail

Hosting PN-3

3,10/ Mo. € 5,22

The hosting plan intended for hosting larger websites.

  • Disk capacity 10 GB
  • Unlimited data transfer
  • Unlimited number of e-mail mailboxes
  • MySql Database
  • Antivirus, Antispam
  • Web Mail

Hosting PN-4

5,65/ Mo. € 8,12

The hosting plan recommended for small e-stores.

  • Disk capacity 15 GB
  • Unlimited data transfer
  • Unlimited number of e-mail mailboxes
  • MySql Database
  • Antivirus, Antispam
  • Web Mail

Hosting PN-5

7,99/ Mo. € 10,99The hosting plan recommended for larger e-shops.
  • Disk capacity 20 GB
  • Unlimited data transfer
  • Unlimited number of e-mail mailboxes
  • MySql Database
  • Antivirus, Antispam
  • Web Mail

Hosting PN-6

13,99/ Mo. € 16,79

The hosting plan designed to accommodate extremely large websites and e-shops.

  • Disk capacity 25 GB
  • Unlimited data transfer
  • Unlimited number of e-mail mailboxes
  • MySql Database
  • Antivirus, Antispam
  • Web Mail

All prices are without VAT.

What Is Hosting ?
Which Type Of Hosting To Choose?

Hosting is a service that enables hosting of a website, e-shop, blog, etc. in a server. This service is also called webhosting, web hosting, website hosting, etc.

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About Web Hosting
About Web Hosting

Hosting is a virtual space where websites or e-shops are being hosted in online servers. It enables various organisations or individual persons to present their content on the Internet. Website hosting is the most common and easily manageable type of hosting where hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of webpages are being hosted in one powerful server.

You may choose hosting services from a variety of suppliers and from a number of available options. A large number of hosting companies offer combined services: web hosting and maintenance, e-mail hosting and maintenance, hosting of virtual dedicated servers, domain registration, etc. To save time spent on website or e-shop development, we recommend purchasing hosting and domain services from the same company.



The services of this type are cheaper than the ones of the other types, however, here, based on the plans provided by the service provider, you are able to choose necessary disk capacity, traffic speed and other advantages. This service is often preferred by companies, e-shops or private webpage owners that do not need a separate server. Once the service has been ordered, the client acquires the right to use the chosen part of the server resources for webpage hosting, development of data bases, launch of specialised applications.

It is true though that the aforementioned hosting has the lowest level of protection, i.e. other users of the same server may be responsible for the resulting disruptions, however, reliable companies promptly sort out such disruptions without their clients even noticing them. Besides, the possibilities of the server are further improved by the yearly updates.