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Prices of domain names .se

.se Domain Registration € 24,89
.se Change Domain Owner € 25,45
.se Domain Transfer (In) € 26,99
.se Changing Domain DNS Servers € 0,00

How to buy .se domain name?

Looking to buy a .se domain name? You've come to the right place! The Internet Infrastructure Foundatian, the registry authorized to operate the .se domain, has accredited to provide domain registration services for .se domains.

  • You can trust to do it right, because Country Code domains are our specialty.
  • is uniquely positioned to help guide you through the Swedish registration process.
  • Our business was built on providing simple and timely domain registration services, and superior support once you have your name.
.se Domain Registration Price24,89

How to transfer .se domain name?

Transferring your .se domain name is a fast and easy process. Get started by clicking "Transfer Now" below, and our Domain Specialists will help you navigate the process.

.se Domain Transfer Price26,99Transfer

How do I renew a .se domain?

Renewing your domain name is simple! Just click "Renew Now" below, or log into your Account Manager, select your .se domain name that you would like to renew, select the term of your renewal, and check out. That's it!

We also offer Auto Renew—a great way to keep your domain name up-to-date without having to worry about letting them accidentally expire. Check your Account Settings to find out if you have it enabled.

.se Domain Renew Price26,99Renew

Requirements for .se Domain Registration

Are Individual domain registrations allowed?Yes
Company or legal entities registrations allowed for domain .se?Yes
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for?
Provide company's TAX ID or VAT ID, city and country of registration. Individuals: Passport number or valid government ID number and city and country of registration.
Are some .se domain names restricted?
Violating rights to third parties, names and activities used in bad faith are prohibited. See FAQs for complete restrictions.
Does .se domain have a special use?No
Other information I need to know about .se?
One character domains are only available with native language Swedish character (IDN). Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Are there any additional fees for .se?No
Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .se?No
Private Registration Service Available?No
Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?No

FAQs for .se

What is the registration term allowed for .se domain names?

.se domain names are available for 1-10 years.

What are the characters and valid character lengths for .se domain names?

Domain Names must:
  • have minimum of 2 and a maximum of 63 characters;
  • begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number;
  • use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these;
  • neither begin with, nor end with a dash;
  • not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab-; and
  • not include a space (e.g. www.ab

How long does it take to register .se domain name?

The domain registration time frame for .se during general availability is 1 Day.

Trustee Service for .se domain

Trustee Service helps you satisfy most local presence requirements when there are restrictions on registering a domain name. Trustee Service is not available for this extension.

How do I host my .se domain name?

offers hosting and email service for .se. You can order hosting, email service and SSL certificates at checkout or you can contact sales.

Private Registration

Information will be available soon

What is the potential recovery period for the .se domain?

Grace periods vary for country code Top Level Domains (ccTLD) including Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). Some registries require renewal up to 60 days in advance of the domain name expiration date. It is your responsibility to pay for your Renewal Fees in advance of the due date specified by regardless of the domain name expiration date. Failure to pay your Renewal Fees prior to the due date will result in a fee of $150 to renew your .se domain. There may be a restore period between when the domain expires and when the domain can be registered again. In the event that you do not pay by the renewal date, your site may be inaccessible during this time so it is very important that you renew this extension before the renewal date.

.se Domains Dispute & Policy

The most recent source for .se domains dispute information can be found at:

Instructions governing Alternative Dispute Resolution proceedings for domain names in the top-level domain .se (The Swedish version of the Instructions governing Alternative Dispute Resolution proceedings for domain names in the top-level domain .se shall prevail)

Decision-makers in a dispute resolution proceeding

1. An alternative dispute resolution proceeding for a Domain Name in the .se TopLevel Domain is executed by individuals who declare to the Internet Infrastructure Foundation (.SE) that they are willing to undertake assignments within the framework of the proceedings and are registered with the Foundation. The individual who will execute the dispute resolution proceeding is referred to as the Adjudicator in these instructions. An Adjudicator must be knowledgeable, independent and impartial.

The organization that will manage the proceeding

2. .SE will accept the petition for an alternative dispute resolution proceeding and initially deal with the proceeding according to what is stipulated in these instructions. As the organization in charge, .SE will be referred to as the dispute resolution organization in these instructions. The dispute resolution organization has only an administrative function and consequently, no insight into or influence on the Adjudicator's decision process.

Introduction of a proceeding

3. The Party who wants to initiate an alternative dispute resolution proceeding for a Domain Name in the .se Top-Level Domain, must submit a written petition to the dispute resolution organization.
4. The Party requesting the proceedings (Petitioner) must pay a petition fee to the dispute resolution organization according to the grounds established by the dispute resolution organization and which shall be accessible. If the fee is not paid, the matter will not be processed.
5. A petition for an alternative dispute resolution proceeding must contain information on the Petitioner's
1. name, personal identification number or corporate identity number or similar,
2. mail or e-mail address and telephone number.
The Petitioner must if possible submit the corresponding information stated in the first paragraph pertaining to the Domain Owner to whom the proceedings are directed (Counterparty).
6. The petition must also contain information pertaining to whether the proceeding will be handled by one or three Adjudicators. If the proceeding is to be handled by only one Adjudicator, the dispute resolution organization will elect this individual. If the Petitioner wants the matter to be handled by three Adjudicators, the dispute resolution organization will elect one of these, who will also be the Chairman. The Petitioner and the Counterparty will each appoint an Adjudicator from among those registered with the dispute resolution organization. Should the Counterparty not respond to the petition the dispute resolution organization will elect Adjudicator in the Counterparty's place.
7. A petition must also contain the following information
1. claims in the proceeding,
2. the circumstances supporting the claims and
3. supporting evidence and facts to be verified by each particular piece of evidence.
Written evidence shall be submitted with the petition.
7a. If a Party is simultaneously petitioning for dispute resolution proceeding for several Domain Names against the same Counterparty, the petitions shall be handled in a single proceeding if they are supported by the same rights with a legal base in Sweden. In cases other than what is stated in the first paragraph, petitions between the same Parties may be handled in one proceeding, if it benefits the investigation. The Petitioner must state whether there may be grounds for implementing a single proceeding.
8. If a petition does not contain the information stated in Sections 5 - 7 or the petition fee has not been paid, the dispute resolution organization will grant the Petitioner an opportunity to remedy the shortcomings within a certain period of time. If the Petitioner does not comply with such an order, the case will not behandled. Decisions in these issues will be made by the dispute resolution organization.

Accelerated Proceeding

9. In the petition for dispute resolution proceeding, the Petitioner has the opportunity to request that the case be handled as an Accelerated Proceeding. An Accelerated Proceeding is a dispute resolution proceeding with short decision 3period, where the case is tried materially without justifying the decision, see Section 21.
10. The case is handled as an Accelerated Proceeding if:
1. the petition contains information stated in Sections 5 - 7,
2. the petition fee has been paid,
3. the petition contains a request that the case shall be handled as an Accelerated Proceeding if the Counterparty does not respond to the petition, and
4. the Counterparty has not responded to the petition within the period stated in Section 13 below.
11. Cases that must be decided as Accelerated Proceedings according to Section 10, must always be handled by one Adjudicator, regardless of whether the Petitioner requested in the petition that the proceeding be handled by one or three Adjudicators. Adjudicators for Accelerated Proceedings are elected according to Section 6, paragraph 2. If the Petitioner has requested that the case be handled by three Adjudicators, and the case is transferred to Accelerated Proceeding, .SE shall appoint one Adjudicator in accordance with Section 6, paragraph 2.
12. In other respects, Accelerated Proceedings comply with the instructions, and has the same legal effect as a Alternative Dispute Resolution proceeding -however, with the addition of the instructions stated in Section 13, paragraph 2, Section 21, paragraph 2 and Section 22, paragraph 3 below.

Correspondence with the Counterparty

13. If the petition contains the information stated in Sections 5 - 7, the dispute resolution organization will grant the Counterparty the opportunity to respond to the petition in writing within 30 days from the date it was dispatched to the Counterparty's most recent address. A dispatch via e-mail will be as valid in the same way as a dispatch via normal mail. When dispatching the petition, the dispute resolution organization will inform the Counterparty that the case may be decided although no response has been received from the Counterparty, and that, if the Petitioner has requested it, the petition may be handled as an Accelerated Proceeding if there was no response to the petition from the Counterparty.
14. In the response, the Counterparty must state whether the petition is accepted or disputed. If the petition is disputed, the Counterparty must state the reason for this and the evidence invoked. Written evidence must be provided in the response. In connection with the dispatch of the petition, the dispute resolution organization must inform the Counterparty about the information that must be contained in theresponse.
15. In the response, the Counterparty may, if the Petitioner requests only one Adjudicator, request that the proceeding be handled by three Adjudicators. For the appointment of the other Adjudicators, Section 6, third paragraph applies. The additional fee incurred by the proceeding being handled by three Adjudicators must be defrayed by the Counterparty. If the fee is not paid, the proceeding will be handled by the Adjudicator appointed according to Section 6, second paragraph.
16. The dispute resolution organization must submit the response from the Counterparty to the Petitioner for information. The dispute resolution organization may not make any decisions pertaining to further correspondence on the proceeding.

Adjudicators' procedure

17. After the dispute resolution organization has concluded the correspondence in the proceeding, the petition, response and other documents that arrived pertaining to the proceedings must be submitted to the Adjudicator(s). The dispute resolution organization must inform the Petitioner and the Counterparty about the person(s) who were appointed as Adjudicator(s).
18. The Adjudicator(s) must ensure that the dispute issue is investigated to the degree required, without involving unnecessary factorsin the proceeding. Through questions and statements, the Adjudicator(s) will eliminate obscure and incomplete information in the Parties' statements. The Adjudicator(s) will decide whether additional correspondence is required in the proceeding. If the Adjudicator(s) believe that petitions that are handled jointly according to Section 7a should be handled separately, the Adjudicator(s) must make the decision. The petitions and documents in the case must then be returned to the dispute resolution organization.
19. The proceeding to be handled by the Adjudicator(s) must be in writing.
20. A dispute may not be processed without informing a Party about information provided in the proceeding by someone other than that Party and that Party has had the opportunity to comment on the information, should the Adjudicator deem it necessary for the investigation.
21. The Adjudicator(s) decision, which will be in writing, must always be based on the content of the documents and findings from the investigation. The reasons behind the ruling from which the Adjudicator(s) determines the dispute issue must be stated. However, Accelerated Proceeding decisions must state only whether the petition has been approved or rejected.
22. A petition for an alternative dispute resolution proceeding that is examined by one Adjudicator must be settled within 30 days from the date the petition was submitted to the Adjudicator. If there are special reasons, the Adjudicator may extend the period. A petition for an alternative dispute resolution proceeding that is examined by three Adjudicators must be settled within 60 days from the date the petition was submitted to the Adjudicators. If there are special reasons, the Adjudicator who is the Chairman may extend the period. A petition for an alternative dispute resolution proceeding that is examined according to Accelerated Proceeding must be settled within ten working days from the date the petition was submitted to the Adjudicator. If there are extraordinary reasons, the Adjudicator may extend the period.
23. The documents that are included or prepared in a dispute resolution proceeding must be gathered in a single file by the Adjudicator(s). The Adjudicator(s)'s decision must immediately be sent to the dispute resolution organization. In conjunction with the decision, material that was collected during the Adjudicator's process must be sent to the dispute resolution organization. In connection with the decision being sent to the dispute resolution organization, the Adjudicators must summarize the case, stating the dispute issue and other relevant circumstances.

Special instructions

24. The dispute resolution organization will immediately inform the Petitioner and the Counterparty of the decision from an alternative dispute resolution proceeding.
25. The decision from an alternative dispute resolution proceeding must be public and kept available by the dispute resolution organization.
26. The petition for an alternative dispute resolution proceeding must be made in Swedish or English. The decision is made in the language in which the petition was submitted. The Counterparty is free to respond to a dispute resolution petition in either Swedish or English.
27. Anyone who is Party to an alternative dispute resolution proceeding may engage a representative or assistant. A written authorization is not required unless considered necessary by the Adjudicator(s).
28. If a Party in an alternative dispute resolution proceeding initiates an action in a 6court of law in the matter relating to the dispute resolution, the proceeding must continue if the Parties do not agree that it be suspended.
29. A Party in an alternative dispute resolution is responsible for his/her own expenses in the proceedings.

Revised December 2010


In .SE's alternative dispute resolution proceeding (ADR), disputes involving the allocation of Domain Names are settled.


At all times, applicable stipulations pertaining to procedures in the ADR proceeding for Domain Names under the Top-Level Domain .se (Proceedings regulations) can be found at

Conditions for deregistration or Transfer

A Domain Name may be deregistered or Transferred to the party requesting dispute resolution proceedings if the following three conditions are fulfilled:

1. The Domain Name is identical or similar to
a. a distinguishing product feature
b. a distinguishing business feature
c. a family name
d. an artist's name (if the name is not associated with someone who died a long time ago)
e. a title of another party's copyrighted literary or artistic work,
f. a name that is protected by the Regulation concerning Certain Official Designations (1976:100), or
g. a geographic designation or a designation of origin that is protected by the European Council's Regulation (EU) 510/2006
h. a geographic designation that is protected by the European Council's Regulation (EU) 110/2008 which is legally binding in Sweden and to which the party requesting dispute resolution can prove its rights, and
2. The Domain Name has been registered or used in bad faith, and
3. The Domain Owner has no rights or justified interest in the Domain Name.

At all times, applicable instructions pertaining to the three conditions are available at the end of these Registration Terms and Conditions under the heading "Instructions pertaining to ADR (Item 7).

Implementation of ADR rulings

A decision whereby an application for alternative dispute resolution proceedings has been approved must be implemented by .SE after 14 days from .SE receiving the ruling, unless the Domain Owner indicates that he or she, within this period, has initiated action claiming greater rights to the Domain Name.

If the Domain Owner's petition claiming greater rights is rejected or written off, the dispute resolution decision must be implemented as soon as the decision has gained legal effect. If the Domain Owner's petition claiming greater rights is approved, the dispute resolution decision must not be implemented.


In the event of a dispute arising as a result of these Terms and Conditions of Registration, a lawsuit shall be filed at a general court of law. Swedish law shall be applied to these Terms and Conditions of Registration.


In .SE's alternative dispute resolution proceeding (ADR), disputes involving the allocation of Domain Names are settled.


At all times, applicable stipulations pertaining to procedures in the ADR proceeding for Domain Names under the Top-Level Domain .se (Proceedings regulations) can be found at

Conditions for deregistration or Transfer

A Domain Name may be deregistered or Transferred to the party requesting dispute resolution proceedings if the following three conditions are fulfilled:

1. The Domain Name is identical or similar to
a. a distinguishing product feature
b. a distinguishing business feature
c. a family name
d. an artist's name (if the name is not associated with someone who died a long time ago)
e. a title of another party's copyrighted literary or artistic work,
f. a name that is protected by the Regulation concerning Certain Official Designations (1976:100), or
g. a geographic designation or a designation of origin that is protected by the European Council's Regulation (EU) 510/2006
h. a geographic designation that is protected by the European Council's Regulation (EU) 110/2008 which is legally binding in Sweden and to which the party requesting disput resolution can prove its rights, and
2. The Domain Name has been registered or used in bad faith, and
3. The Domain Owner has no rights or justified interest in the Domain Name.

At all times, applicable instructions pertaining to the three conditions are available a the end of these Registration Terms and Conditions under the heading "Instructions pertaining to ADR (Item 7).

Implementation of ADR rulings

A decision whereby an application for alternative dispute resolution proceedings has been approved must be implemented by .SE after 14 days from .SE receiving the ruling, unless the Domain Owner indicates that he or she, within this period, has initiated action claiming greater rights to the Domain Name.

If the Domain Owner's petition claiming greater rights is rejected or written off, the dispute resolution decision must be implemented as soon as the decision has gained legal effect. If the Domain Owner's petition claiming greater rights is approved, the dispute resolution decision must not be implemented.


In the event of a dispute arising as a result of these Terms and Conditions of Registration, a lawsuit shall be filed at a general court of law. Swedish law shall be applied to these Terms and Conditions of Registration.

What is a .se domain?

When searching online, Swede internet users expect to see website addresses with .SE domain names. Whether you are a Swede local, a small business owner, a nurse, a salesperson, or just someone who appreciates The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and IKEA, a .SE domain name is for you! With a .SE domain name you will rank higher in local search results and in the hearts of the locals.

Show your connection to the Swede culture and commitment to providing the best internet experience in Sweden with .SE domain. A .SE domain name is short, professional and memorable helping your website stand out in a sea of content online. Swedes enjoy an enviable standard of living, and many of life's finer things. The Swedish economy is heavily driven by timber, hydropower and iron ore exports.

Protecting your brand is as important as growing it. Registering your brand name in Sweden is one of the best preventative measures you can take to secure your trademark and combat copyright infringement. Your domain name is your brand and your brand is you! Register your perfect .SE domain name before someone else does.
