Prices of domain names .be
€ 13,99 |
€ 13,03 |
€ 13,03 |
€ 0,00 |
How to buy .be domain name?
Looking to buy a .be domain name? You've come to the right place! DNS Belgium, the registry authorized to operate the .be domain, has accredited to provide domain registration services for .be domains.
- You can trust to do it right, because Country Code domains are our specialty.
- is uniquely positioned to help guide you through the Belgian registration process.
- Our business was built on providing simple and timely domain registration services, and superior support once you have your name.
How to transfer .be domain name?
Transferring your .be domain name is a fast and easy process. Get started by clicking "Transfer Now" below, and our Domain Specialists will help you navigate the process. Every .be domain transfer into includes an additional year(s) renewal, so you're not losing any time, just saving money and gaining the access to the largest portfolio of extensions in the business and powerful domain management system.
How do I renew a .be domain?
Renewing your domain name is simple! Just click "Renew Now" below, or log into your Account Manager, select your .be domain name that you would like to renew, select the term of your renewal, and check out. That's it!
We also offer Auto Renew—a great way to keep your domain name up-to-date without having to worry about letting them accidentally expire. Check your Account Settings to find out if you have it enabled.
Requirements for .be Domain Registration
Are Individual domain registrations allowed? | Yes |
Company or legal entities registrations allowed for domain .be? | Yes |
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for? The .BE registry actively monitors whois accuracy and abuse issues and expects you to keep a working email address and valid contact information. The registry may in their sole discretion send a request to the email address associated with your domain to | No |
Are some .be domain names restricted? Registering trademarks owned by third parties are prohibited. For complete restrictions see FAQs. | Yes |
Does .be domain have a special use? | No |
Other information I need to know about .be? | No |
Are there any additional fees for .be? | No |
Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .be? | No |
Private Registration Service Available? | No |
Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees? | No |
FAQs for .be
What is the registration term allowed for .be domain names?
What are the characters and valid character lengths for .be domain names?
- have minimum of 2 and a maximum of 63 characters;
- begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number;
- use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these;
- neither begin with, nor end with a dash;
- not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab-; and
- not include a space (e.g. www.ab
How long does it take to register .be domain name?
Trustee Service for .be domain
How do I host my .be domain name?
Private Registration
What is the potential recovery period for the .be domain?
.be Domains Dispute & Policy
The most current .be domains dispute policy can be found at:
10. Dispute resolution policy
- circumstances indicating that the domain name was registered or acquired primarily for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the domain name to the complainant who is the owner of the trademark, trade name, registered name or company name, geographical designation, name of origin, designation of source, personal name or name of the geographical entity, or to a competitor of the complainant, for a price that exceeds the costs directly related to the acquisition of the domain name; or
- the domain name was registered in order to prevent the owner of a trademark, a trade name, a registered name or a company name, a geographical designation, a name of origin, a designation of source, a personal name or a name of a geographical entity to use the domain name and that the registrant has engaged in a pattern of such conduct; or
- the domain name was registered primarily for the purpose of disrupting the business of a competitor; or
- the domain name was intentionally used to attract, for commercial gain, Internet users to the registrant’s web site or other on-line location, by creating confusion with the complainant's trademark, trade name, registered name or company name, geographical designation, name of origin, designation of source, personal name or name of a geographical entity as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of the registrant’s web site or location or of a product or service on his web site or location.
- the registrant has registered one or more personal names without the existence of a demonstrable link between the registrant and the registered domain names.
- prior to any notice of the dispute, the registrant used the domain name or a name corresponding to the domain name in connection with a bona fide offering of goods or services or made demonstrable preparations for such use; or
- the registrant (as an individual, business, or other organization) has been commonly known by the domain name, even if he has no trademark; or
- the registrant is making a legitimate and noncommercial or fair use of the domain name, without intent to misleadingly divert consumers for commercial gain or to tarnish the trademark, trade name, social name or corporation name, geographical designation, name of origin, designation of source, personal name or name of the geographical entity at issue.
Upon's first request, the registrant shall reimburse the repaid amounts. The registrant will have no recourse against, the Dispute Resolution Entity, the Third-party Decider or the complainant for the thus suffered financial loss. The potential financial loss for the registrant is the risk that the latter took for the speculative registration of domain names on which third parties have rights.
The repayment provision specified in the previous paragraph does not apply to the appeal procedure of the dispute resolution proceedings. The costs of the appeal procedure are payable by the party that instituted this procedure.
The costs mentioned in this article only refer to the administrative costs of the dispute resolution proceedings as stipulated in article 10 and do not include any costs or fees for legal advice of the parties.
ADR procedure Alternative dispute resolution procedure Working in conjunction with the Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation, known as CEPINA (, has developed an Alternative Dispute Resolution procedure (ADR) to deal with disputes relating to .be domain names. This procedure runs quite quickly (average of 55 days) and is carried out entirely in writing. It also involves relatively low costs.
The procedure is set out in detail in article 10 of the General Terms and Conditions. A summary of the procedure follows. If the summary should conflict with what is contained in article 10, the General Terms and Conditions will apply.
Any party with an interest can lodge an application for the alternative dispute resolution with CEPINA to settle a dispute about a .be domain name. The dispute is assessed by an independent Third-Party Decision-Maker, who is a legal expert in the matter. The Third-Party Decider may decide to delete the domain name or to transfer the name to the complainant. Under normal circumstances, the domain name holder is able to reply once in writing to the complainant's arguments.
Admissibility and legitimacy of domain name disputes A complaint from a third party against a .be registrant will be taken up by CEPINA on condition that the complaint is lodged in accordance with standard conditions and after depositing the procedural costs of 1620 EUR into CEPINA's account.
In order to obtain the transfer of the domain name, all three of these conditions must be demonstrated:
- the registrant's domain name is identical to or display significant similarity to a brand, trade name, registered name or company name, a geographic indication, a personal name or designation of a geographic entity to which the complainant has a right; and the registrant has no rights or legitimate interests with regard to the domain name; and the registrant's domain name has been registered or used in bad faith. The application to transfer the domain name in question must, of course, be expressly included in the complaint. Length of the procedure (average)
- You can find details of the official procedure at the CEPINA website.
- lodging the complaint the registrant is notified within 7 days that a complaint has been lodged the registrant has 21 days to respond the mediators must be appointed at the latest 7 days later the decision must be announced 14 days later
The 15-days execution period starts to count the day after was informed of Cepina's ruling and the 15th day fully counts; will thus carry out the decision on the 16th day after the day was informed and at the earliest at noon. (In this case, "days" means "calendar days") In some cases some of these periods can be extended.
Costs for the procedure The fee charged for the procedure is 1620 EUR, which is paid by the complainant at the beginning of the procedure. If the Third-Party Decider rules that the complaint is justified, will refund the total of the costs to the complainant. will then claim this amount back from the previous, unlawful registrant.
Appeal procedure Regardless of the option to submit the dispute to an ordinary court, all parties have the right to lodge an appeal with CEPINA within 15 days of the ruling handed down by the Third-Party Decider. The appeal term counts as an expiry term, which means that when the term has gone by, no appeal can be lodged any more against the Cepina ruling.
The application for appeal must be lodged with CEPINA in accordance with the standard requirements mentioned above and payment of 4,050.00 EUR.
The defending party then has a period of 7 days to respond to the arguments submitted by the other party.
After this, an Appeal Panel of three Third-Party Deciders will be appointed by CEPINA. This panel must take a decision within 30 calendar days of the case being submitted to it. Rulings by the Appeal Panel cannot be appealed any higher.
What is a .be domain?
When searching online, Belgian internet users expect to see website addresses with .BE domain names. Whether you are a Belgian local, a small business owner, a manufacturer, a construction worker, or just someone who appreciates chocolate and waffles, a .BE domain name is for you! With a .BE domain name you will rank higher in local search results and in the hearts of the locals.
Show your connection to the Belgian culture and commitment to providing the best internet experience in Belgium with .BE domain. A .BE domain name is short, professional and memorable helping your website stand out in a sea of content online. Although Belgium is rich in chocolate and diamonds, the nation has very few natural resources. Belgium imports resources and exports manufactured goods; their central geographic location and highly developed transport network maintains a steady economy.
Protecting your brand is as important as growing it. Registering your brand name in Belgium is one of the best preventative measures you can take to secure your trademark and combat copyright infringement. Your domain name is your brand and your brand is you! Register your perfect .BE domain name before someone else does.